Wednesday, 16 May 2012


Welcome To FEATURES OF A COURAGEOUS PEOPLE: When we talk about features of courageous people we are looking at those “ prominent attribute or aspect of they possess” It’s what unites all courageous people in the world such that wherever you see anybody that is truly courageous you’ll notice these traits in them no matter their color, tribe, language, height, gender etc. At this point I employ you to follow me in this article as I give the secrets that will change your life forever, make you love yourself better and fulfill your dreams atlas. 1) They have mentor or a group of people that have gone to where they Want to go. The truth of the matter is that it takes courage to seek advice from someone higher than you and implement what he/she has counseled you. In fact many at times, it means letting down your guard. I have been there myself when you have revealed your highest secret in order to get the right counsel. NOTE: Anybody can give you advice (tell you their opinion) but what you implement should be the one you’re sure you can accept responsible for if it doesn’t work. There is an error that I have many people commit. Here it is “When parents, relatives, counselors etc talk to you, they want you to do exactly as they have said forgetting that it’s their own opinion. Age, doesn’t teach wisdom experience and intuition does. 2) Courageous people stand up for what they believe: The most admirable of all Courage is to stand up and say something is not right when many others Are happy to just go along with it so they don't have to deal with the Consequences. That is one of the outstanding identities of cowards (A person who shows fear or timidity). The courageous people don’t jabber, parrot, and shy away when the truth has to be said. Jesus Christ, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King jnr, Mahatma Gandhi etc all exhibited this trait. I can boldly say that it was what they stood for and said that led to their DEATHS. 3) Courageous people let go of ego so they can do: Being courageous isn't about proving your better than others, it is about being honest with yourself and believing you have the ability to change circumstances in your life so you can take the steps to achieve it. I have this many times. Often you see people who think that have all the answer to win respect or show they are brave. Honestly that’s far from the truth. Ego (An inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others) is a killer disease. 4) Courageous people let go of what was and look forward to what ought to be. If you’ve been around people who have accomplished great things on this earth they have past unfriendly experiences but never let it affect where they are going. Their family members at times relatives are the people that gives them the toughest challenge of all. 5) Courageous people will always Outclass "Strong". The truth is that it takes wisdom to be courageous. When I was in Campus, I had two roommates; one was very muscular, while the other roomy was very slim but wise such that we renamed him “samwise”. The muscular guy always tried to intimidate him with his muscle but at last the wisesam will maneuver him. A day will not pass that they won’t have clash just because the muscular guy couldn’t stand the wisdom of his young, slim roommate. What I saw as courage in the slim guy is that he always stands his ground, refuses to make argument but never fails to declare his opinion say his mind. Or maybe I should say that he was scared but did It Anyway. This is just the part 1 of this personality traits of courageous people so join me next time as we dig deeper into the secrets of ages to change our own life’s and make our names immortal just like the past courageous people.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Judefinder,
    thank you for this. I found it helpful and will use it to teach my students about courage.
